Jeremy Creason,
Fire Station #1 - 228 Andrea Drive
Fire Station #2 - North 16th & Broadway
Fire Station #3 - South 10th & Farthing
Please click the link below for a comprehensive and updated Kentucky Seat Belt Law. Both Mayfield Police and Mayfield Fire Departments can assist you in the proper installation of your child's car seat.
►Kentucky Car Seat Laws
The Mayfield Fire Department and Mayfield-Graves County Emergency Medical Service consist of 42 full-time members, and one administrative assistant. The department operates the city's fire department and the city/county ambulance service. All firefighters are also Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) many of which are certified Paramedics.
Members of the fire department receive an initial 400 hours of training, with 100 hours yearly in-service training thereafter. The EMTs obtain an additional 24 hours every two years in continuing education. These hours keep firefighters and EMTs updated in all aspects of firefighting and medical training.
Additionally, the members receive training in hazardous materials, response, first responder training, infectious diseases, ropes, ladders, fire streams, pump operations, personal protective equipment, and vehicle extrication, just to name a few. Some members are also further trained in special areas such as arson investigation.
Currently, there are seven members of the department who are certified Kentucky fire training instructors, and 4 American Heart Association CPR instructors.
Stations and Equipment - The Mayfield Fire Department operates three fire stations in the city, with department members on duty 24/7, to better serve the community. The stations are located on West Broadway, South 10th Street and South 6th Street. There are four firefighting equipment vehicles, one of which is an aerial ladder truck, six advanced life support ambulances, and two rescue units. The department has a third class fire insurance rating, which is exceptional for a city our size.
The Mayfield Fire Department and Graves County EMS are involved in many aspects of fire prevention and first aid training, and offer fire prevention and safety programs to many organizations
•Child Fire Safety House - Since 1995, the Mayfield Fire Department has worked with area schools in educating children about fire safety - what to do in the event of a home fire. The Child Fire Safety House allows them to actually "live" the fire situation, and they learn by doing what's right through the assistance of the Fire Safety House. Each year, over 1500 kids file through the house with its special effects and escape routes.
•Fire Extinguisher Use - Members of the Mayfield Fire Department provide the service of educating the public in the correct use, storage, and maintenance of fire extinguishers.
•Fire Safety in the Home - Members regularly visit schools and civic organizations with programs promoting fire safety at home.
•Personal Care Home Safety - Residents in personal care homes, or rest homes, have special needs when it comes to safety - particularly fire safety. Programs are available to staff members of these homes from the Mayfield Fire Department.
•Smoke Detectors - The Mayfield Fire Department provides smoke detectors - complete with the proper installation - to residents of the City of Mayfield who cannot afford them.