
Office of Code Enforcement

picture of jeremy
Jeremy Creason,
email jeremy

Mission Statement
The Mission of the City of Mayfield Code Enforcement Department is to enforce the codes and ordinances of the City to promote, protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of all citizens and visitors to the City of Mayfield, by providing exceptional customer service. Where violations do occur, our Code Enforcement Officers will work diligently with our citizens to achieve compliance through an efficient and fair process.

►City Zoning Map

William Higginson,
Fire Inspector/
Senior Code Enforcement Officer
(270) 251-6201 • Fax: (270) 251-6242
email william
Clarissa Yarber
Public Safety Administrative Assistant
email clarissa
Wallace White,
Code Enforcement Officer
(270) 251-6250 • Fax: (270) 251-6242
email Wallace